In Good Company

Today I received a message from someone who had purchased my poetry book, Wind Rhymes. She informed me that my book was number 77 on the Amazon Canadian Poetry List. I found this oddly exciting and then was immediately saddened when my friend who checked the link said it wasn't there.
So I investigated and saw that I'd sold a few more copies bumping my book up to number ten so there is my little book sitting on the Amazon list surrounded by Leonard Cohen, Margaret Atwood and Anne Carson. What a dinner party!
Being silly and giddy and excited I quickly took a screenshot so that I could share it. I may never be in such good company again!
What a fun journey this is!
Breeze Talks About Weight Loss
However, excitement is excitement!!!
I'm more excited about sitting between Cohen and Atwood than the actual rating!
I'd start with favourite colour as a warm up and then ...
if you received an email in your in box that you knew outlined the rest of your life 1) would you look at it and 2) what would you like it to say?
and then
How is you existentialist angst these days?
You deserve it
congratulations, Breeze!
savor this...
for this is
more good to come! (i just know it!)