Kermit the Frog Reporting!

So opportunity knocked and I opened the door, let it in and gave it coffee and cookies. Once again the time to branch out into something entirely new and different has presented itself right when I was ready! the new opportunity is (drum roll please) volunteer television news reporter!
An ad in my inbox for budding reporters/editors/camera people appealed to me so I sent an email with a little blurb about my background. A volunteer opportunity, they provide training in all aspects of creating stories for a brand new local cable television news magazine show being launched in September. The producer, a friendly, energetic and excited woman, was eager for me to join her and the rest of the new team she's assembling.
It will encompass local news stories in all of Stratford and the surrounding areas and in August, after three workshops I should be able to put together a story for the show to the point that the producer can work on it to make it television ready. It involves reporting, writing, camera work and any other aspect I'm interested. Me, being me, is interested in everything but I'm starting with a focus on the reporting and shooting.
It feels exciting to be involved in the community this way. I worked at a community newspaper in another city and it was a fantastic way to get to know people, the regular people as well as the people who drive the city forward, the politicians, the entertainers, the event organizers, the people who make a city grow and breathe.
I love that there is writing involved as well. Writing a news story for television is a skill I will enjoy honing. I adore that a very good friend of mine is also involved and we will likely get to work together on stuff!
So first it was Kermit the Frog, from Sesame Street, now it's live with Breeze on Rogers Cable 20, Stratford Ontario...some big green flippers to fill for sure!
Breeze Talks About Weight Loss
I love Kermit the Frog from the Muppet Show times.
Nice going!
2 related items...
a) my sister plays violin at Stratford. lives in London.
b) i do a mean Kermit impression!
you are gonna soar!
keep us posted!
yea, YOU!
Audrey...I was thinking more along the Peter Mansbridge he actually lives in
Mind you, you write such good articles and thought provoking stuff, you will be great!