Leaning over the banister
poised to say good morning
she witnesses a miracle
a moment without warning
They flit around without her
independent in their movements
she watches wondering when they started
making such improvements
She backs away quietly
they really don't notice
ignoring mess and different ways
the mother changes focus
She slips into a different role
today she'll let them be
and let them make the mess they make
as they set their mother free
Perfection serves no purpose
the martyr ends up dead
loosen up the rigid rules
let them practice life instead
Mother free yourself from guilt
take time to live and be
you serve no one completely
unless you let yourself be free

Breeze Talks About Weight Loss
poised to say good morning
she witnesses a miracle
a moment without warning
They flit around without her
independent in their movements
she watches wondering when they started
making such improvements
She backs away quietly
they really don't notice
ignoring mess and different ways
the mother changes focus
She slips into a different role
today she'll let them be
and let them make the mess they make
as they set their mother free
Perfection serves no purpose
the martyr ends up dead
loosen up the rigid rules
let them practice life instead
Mother free yourself from guilt
take time to live and be
you serve no one completely
unless you let yourself be free
Breeze Talks About Weight Loss