Production Fun

As for me, my Co-host on Bridges Radio moved to Toronto for a couple months so we're doing the show via distance. I've book interviews up into mid-November, have the next three radio shows, tonight and the next three weeks already scheduled to go online AND I've drafted my next two columns, with the first one due next week, all but complete and ready to go. I've been walking regularly on the treadmill, eating a tad bit better though I could improve, finally purchased some vitamins (the day pot became legal) and no, not that kind of herbal supplement, not that I'm opposed to it if it's your thing.
Here is the radio show player, which is a nifty little thing and available on the Bridges Radio page on this site. Also, here is my last column featuring Singer-songwriter-performer-teacher multi-award-winning Adam Baxter about finding balance. (He's awfully hyphenated uh?) Enjoy a wonderful weekend. Listen to "Bridges Radio Show" on Spreaker.