Stay Magic!
My horoscope yesterday said, "Do not lose faith in yourself. A magic star is supervising and guiding you, but you must believe in it in order to tap into its power. Your arduous efforts will pay off." and since I believe in magic I took it to heart.
Then I woke up this morning to an email from Bill Rowe of VOCM's Open Line telling me that he enjoyed my story on the front page of The Telegram this morning.
What the uh?
So I quick go on their website and sure enough, there is my story about Walter LeDrew, former Change Islands resident who was an Hollywood actor and magician in the 1940's.
Since the story was all about magic and the horoscope mentioned magic it seems that my belief in the magic of things is totally verified as accurate.
Wicked wuh?
Life has definitely been a magic ride with my writing career taking the lead, just as it should. I write daily, have made great headway with the book, am enjoying research more than I ever have.
Sometimes not giving much thought to what you want and just taking the steps is all that needs to happen to make life go the way you desire.
So what have I been up to? Oh all sorts of fun!
Last weekend I attended my cousin's wedding in Harbour Grace. It was a wonderful event with a chef who has his own television show catering(yum!) and the bride and groom beautifully bedecked in their finery against a backdrop of ocean and sky. Love was in the air and it was as magic an evening as I've ever had.
I even played a small role in the wedding ceremony with a reading. What a honour.
On the Wednesday prior I had attended a launch of Bill Rowe's latest book, a political memoir of his time as MHA under Joey Smallwood with a good hard and humourous look at Joey and his nemesis Frank. The event was attended by all manner of television celebrity, the Liberal Party of NL and NDP leaders as well as former and current politicians. Flanker Press sure knows how to throw a party.
We're welcoming Bill Rowe here in Lewisporte at Citadel House on November 4 at a similar event. I've been invited to introduce the author, something I'm truly delighted to do.
Oh yeah, that interview I did that I mentioned last time is up. You can find it Here.
What's coming up? A trip to Fogo for the Partridge Berry Festival, lunch at The Fogo Island Inn where I get to do a photo shoot and get to go into the kitchen to take pictures of a big culinary event they have that day. Food photos in the kitchen of a five star restaurant and I get paid for this.
Life is truly magic and also, delicious!
I'm on deadline for next week's column but it's all written in my head and I'll get on it tomorrow. Then book writing for the rest of the week.
Maybe I'll have a bit of an excerpt in the next couple of weeks to share. The decision to post here at least once a week is a good one. It's like a little place to keep my head sorted without all the personal crap that goes in my journal(to be read once I'm dead).
I had an email from someone who read the story in The Telegram today and she said she had two photos of Mr. Le Drew signed "magically yours"
I thought that maybe that's how I should be signing off...
or maybe just with
Stay magic...
I have just posted something which might interest you - something serious for a change in prose, a format completely new to me where I attempt to let my soul speak.
Bring some tissues!!
Hugs ~ Eddie