Excerpt from book Bessie's Walk

View from Cottlesville, NWI, NL March 10, 2013

Work is well underway on my new book, Bessie's Walk and I foresee a completion by the end of summer.  When I wrote the first I was in the habit of sharing the odd tidbit from the book, little samples of the voice of the story and so I thought I would start a regular post here in the blog, weekly, keeping me focused on moving forward with the story.

Here is today's offering..subject to change as the work progresses of course.

"Then it pulled her back, bit by bit as a child pulls a balloon on a string so as to touch its surface.  She is torn from the world that holds her in its depths as she steps, one purposeful step after another,towards the place where the brook meets the ocean, where the fresh meets the salt and where the dreamer meets her reality."

