Who am I? A Meme.

I am warmth and joy and life. I am eager and curious and caring. I battle within myself to do the right thing and to hurt the least number of people. I am constantly failing, forgetting someone I should have thought of but I care and I feel remorse and when I'm wrong I will ask forgiveness.
I am patient but imperfectly so.
I am strength and emotion and joy. I breath the air and appreciate every breath. When I love, I say I love and I never ask for a reply to that statement. I would rather love than be loved.
I am sacrifice without martyrdom. I will die for those I love but I will not live for them only. I believe I count too.
I believe in free will and I will allow you to have your successes without envy and make your mistakes without judgement.
I never give up on people. I give them their space, I allow them their lives but I never say goodbye. I remember those who treat me kindly and reward that kindness. I remember those that treat me less than kind and I am not bothered. I love them all.
I am inattentive and distraction and movement. I am meditation and quiet and silence. I use each of these to balance the other.
I am daydreams and imagination and creation.
I am trust and more trust and once bitten, I'm still not shy. I deal, I don't run. I am bravery and do not hide my head in the sand.
I love the way I love and I love that I don't hate. I rarely even dislike and if I do, it's brief.
I am poetry and music and loves stories and even horror stories. But in the horror, I still find the love.
I am female and in another life I was never a man. I am all pink bubbles and femininity and feminism. I am happy I am that.
I am a contradiction. A pacifist who cheers the fights in hockey. A hockey lover who is glad her girls aren't interested yet because hockey moms have to get up too early.
I am adventure and impulse and sunshine and sand and hula hoops.
I am flowers and trees and people and animals. I am cat more than dog.
I am big cities with the nooks and crannies and skyscrapers.
I am port cities with their ships sailing in and out and their harbours open to the world I long to explore.
I am touch and my fingers have a memory. I am details and the big picture. I live in the big picture and love in the details.
I am the countryside and the mountains and most of all the ocean.
I am depth and I am knowing.
I am spirit
I am human
I am real.
I am magic.