Interesting Writing Blog and a question
I stumbled upon this blog Miss Snark's First Victim and the challenge was to enter the first 25 words(or first sentence) of your novel.
I just started my next novel, a complete change in direction, from a literary romance to a paranormal romance. For fun I thought I would post my beginning here. This is first draft so it may well end up as chapter 5 or 50 or be completely cut before this story sees the light of day.
Let me know what you think. And if you have your own first lines I'd love to read them :)
Fear caught at the back of her throat like an adrenalin hairball. Life can change in a quantum moment. For Shannon that moment came on a hot Tuesday in July.

I just started my next novel, a complete change in direction, from a literary romance to a paranormal romance. For fun I thought I would post my beginning here. This is first draft so it may well end up as chapter 5 or 50 or be completely cut before this story sees the light of day.
Let me know what you think. And if you have your own first lines I'd love to read them :)
Fear caught at the back of her throat like an adrenalin hairball. Life can change in a quantum moment. For Shannon that moment came on a hot Tuesday in July.
Here is mine:
Lilly stood on her front porch in the cool September breeze. As she watched little Mathew running around chasing a small homemade kite through the tall grasses of the field a few dozen feet in front of the cabin. His frame seemed so tiny against the acres of green meadow behind him. He looked so happy, so carefree. Oh to be young again she thought to herself. His nearly white blond hair cascaded down and into his eyes. His mother would be coming from the grocery soon. As she leaned back in the porch swing lily’s thoughts began to wander back a few months when Mathew and his mother first came to stay at the farm.