Oh What a Night! Michael Jackson on the Danforth!

Lorette, Ralph, Carolyn and Tara
Some days, heck some weeks are just big! Last night I attend the book launch for Goodbye Billie Jean; The Meaning of Michael Jackson! I drove 2hrs to attend in Toronto, just on Danforth at Coxwell at a lovely place. I enter the bar and immediately meet Lorette Luzajic for the first time. She had warned me she would be dressed somewhat unusually but somehow her big afro wig suited her. It feels like we're old friends we've talked so much online! Also in the crowd were two other contributors, Ralph Martin and Tara Stevens! What lovely people and how inspiring to be surrounded by other writers! I hope I get to work with them on another project some day!
Lorette was a little surprised when the local paper SNAP Danforth showed up but their photographer was gracious and took pictures all over the place.
The most exciting part for Lorette(and all of us) was that the event was being filmed by a crew for a documentary on Michael Jackson fans. Michael Pihach from Ryerson University's broadcast studies school was there with his crew and interviewed the entire night and filmed the event. I did an interview about what Michael Jackson meant to me and hopefully a little of it doesn't end up on the cutting room floor! He's promised me a dvd when it's finished :)
Lorette also took up a free-will offering for Team Michael for Unicef which raised a nice tidy sum to donate to the efforts that foundation is undertaking in Haiti. Michael would have been happy!
And another shout out to my local, the Tavistock Gazette for the article today. My kids were in the photo and think it's wonderful!
I scored a copy of Lorette's book for my brother and had my copy and his signed by the other contributors and signed quite a few myself. Then I watched the Olympic hockey game(Go Canada)and chatted to Lorette's sister.
I think I must write more poetry...
Breeze Talks About Weight Loss
"Lorette's sister!"