Brief Update, An Apology and a Giveaway!

Yawn! So I have once again been absent far too long. My littlest girl picked up a stomach bug. She`s fine now but it`s been a bit hectic.
I`ve also been making great headway in the book. Little girl gets clingy if I leave the room so I`ve been chained to the basement which is where I write..the book is a couple of chapters from completion!
I do have some dialogue to perk up but that`s just minor stuff..I have until April 8 to punch it up a bit.
So enough about me. I`ve been thinking about you! Way back in January I said I would start giving stuff away daily and it`s your turn!
I recently won the book The Art of Extreme Self-Care by Cheryl Richardson and I`ve decided to pass it on to one of you! I`m once again hosting a giveaway and all you have to do is comment on a post of mine from now until February 28 and at that time I`ll draw a name. I think anyone would be lucky to have a copy of this book and even the men out there, a great gift for your wives, sister, mother, any woman you know who is a little burnt out. Perhaps it might even be something you could read to gain insight into how we women think and why we burnout.
What are your secrets for self care...I find that if I write I am satisfied. I find peace in being creative and my creative outlet is my writing. I`m not opposed to a walk in nature or a massage either.
Do you have special routines and things you do for yourself or others around you who you feel might need some care..share your ideas in your comments!
Breeze Talks About Weight Loss
I find writing is like losing weight..those last 5 lbs are the most difficult ones!
I was concerned it was just me but I spoke to my friend who said that he experiences that last bit difficult as well.
So no...not a man thing....a writer thing :)
Work from home India
Good news about the book!