Anchors Away..this book has been launched!

What a day! Everything was wonderful. My friend Kris LaCourse introduced me to a full house and my reading only put my youngest daughter, Martina to sleep. I read various poems for about 30 minutes plus an excerpt from my soon to be novel. Kris also video taped the reading so hopefully in time I'll have that to share with you as well.
We had refreshments at the hall including the delicious cake above but I ate very little, I was simply too excited! We had family and friends but also some people from around town including Bill from the Tavistock Gazette, our local paper. He called today for an interview so I assume there'll be a story in Wednesday's paper.
Then after we came back to my place where I spent a few hours with my favourite people, my family and friends including some who travelled a few hours to support me and my work.
So a few pictures above but more to come as my family and friends get around to uploading theirs to facebook and I steal them.
Oh..and I sold out of books! More are being shipped this week, meanwhile It's still available at Amazon!
Breeze Talks About Weight Loss