New Years Revolutions!(and final chance to win the draw)

I've decided(resolutely) that this year I'm going to do so many great changes in 2010that it's too BIG for a simple resolution. No, not me, I'm having a New Year's REVOLUTION!
That's right! I'm going to start by tearing down all the barriers to my dreams. Anyone who is negative and points out the reasons why I can't do something will be ignored. Any walls that I come upon will be knocked down, climbed over or dug under but they won't stop me!
It's time to grow, it's time to make my dreams come true. So many did in 2009 culminating with the publication of my book.
The year that has passed was a good one, full of change, full of adventure. Going into it on January 1, 2009 there was no sign of the wonder to come. Television news reporting, publishing a book, a new part time job, all wonderful things that blessed my life. Even more importantly, my family is healthy and happy and together. We are strong and we are together. There is nothing more precious to me.
I received a call from Hay House Publishing two nights ago that I had won a book! How exciting and surely a sign that this coming year will be as full of surprise and change as the previous was! Those who know me will say "you see everything as a sign" but there is a bit of a story here. Back in the spring I started a new meditation. Because I wanted to publish my book I would visualise books everywhere. I would see a stream of books, shelves of books, books floating towards me. This year I not only published my poetry book, and finished my novel(which is in final draft!) I also won several books(I've lost count but I think 5) through different contests I've entered! I've also been fortunate enough to meet wonderful authors. I could just visualise cash for 2010 but I think I'll work on health and happiness and peace, the true wealth a human needs. The rest follows. Of course I did the work, the dreams don't come true without the effort. But they do come true!
The biggest change has been within myself. There has been a revolution in my heart as I move forward into 2010. An example of this is the nutrition program at my younger daughters' school. It is to be set in place by January 28 and I'm in charge of it! I'm very proud that this is coming to our school but it's going to be a challenge. It feels good to set this in motion though, it'll make things better for the kids and the parents and all it will take is some of my time! I remember a time when I held on to my free time as though it were something to keep close to me, now I see that it is something to share with others, something to give, something more valuable when it's not held selfishly close. That is truly revolutionary!
As you go into the new year make 2010 a revolutionary year for you! Whatever your dreams are don't just resolve to do them, decide to follow them, knock down the barricades that reside mainly in your own fears and march through!
Oh and one more thing. This is the last post before the draw for my poetry book. Everyone who commens will be entered in a draw. Multiple comments mean multiple entries! Two names will be picked! I will make the draw New Year's eve and announce it here on my blog on January 1, 2010! Happy New Year!!!
Breeze Talks About Weight Loss
I have big things coming in 2010 as well. I am glad i have you by my side (in a cyber space kinda way)
Inspirational. Yes, thats what you are.
Rip those barriers down, stomp over the top of what ever it might be that gets in your way, and make the most out of 2010 that you possibly can.
However, the idea of a revolution I can go with....a general vision of 2010 being a blast of a year.....yep, cheers to that.
Revolutionary 2010 to you then.
Second- what an inspiring way to look at the new year ahead. I like your style.
And third. and most important
Happy New Year to you.