Happy Holidays!

Now I relax for exactly 20 minutes. I was up on Elf duty until 3am this morning. Now I have the stockings hung and the little girls are watching the Grinch(Jim Carey version) for the 343890th time. Do you know Whos have twelve toes? True.
I leave in a while to go pick up my daughter Alyssa and her boyfriend who will be staying the night. For Christmas eve dinner I will cook them deep fried codfish caught from the ocean off the shores of my home town. My husband is almost home but will not make it for dinner. He'll be home a little later...just in time to help me tuck two excited little girls into bed.
Once everyone is safe and sound under my roof I will breathe a sigh of relief and likely partake of a little raspberry martini or perhaps some red wine...it must be red. We'll listen to the Barra McNeils Christmas Albums full of Celtic rhythms and I'll probably break out the bodhran and smack it around a little. If hubby is home in time we might slip over to the neighbours for a quick visit as it has become our tradition to do that since we moved into our home. We enjoy their company, a retired couple of empty nesters who are full of fun stories. There is something special about spending time with a couple who have raised 5 children and are still able to joke and be friends to each other that gives us something to be optimistic about for our future.
Santa will show up as we sleep of course. And being very mean parents we have an 8am rule..no kid may go downstairs or wake us up until 8am. Then we'll all stumble down..kids quickly, parents stumbly as we light the tree, hit play on the CD player for the mood music and pour coffee into awaiting cups.
Wrapping paper will cover the floor and happy faces will show us what they got from Santa, their reward for being the best kids ever gifted to a set of parents. We'll tease the older ones as they rip into their presents with as much excitement as the wee ones!
There'll be some grumbling, the oldest is expecting our first grandchild in July and she has a rough time in the mornings. Perhaps the distraction of a pile of loot wrapped under the tree will give her a reprieve from her nausea. Meanwhile, we're gonna be GRANDPARENTS. I love my 4 daughters more than life but I'm really rooting for a little boy to join our family...of course little girls are always more than welcome!
Then later, after breakfast, we'll drive the oldest home and then later my brother and his wonderful girlfriend will come for dinner with our family! We have spent Christmas day together for the past 3 years and it's such a blessing. I spent it with no siblings for a long time and it's nice to have someone from the family I grew up in to share my day with.
I am truly blessed. I leave you with the hope that your day will be as simple and as wonderful as mine. Gifts are fun, family is priceless. If there is one purpose to Christmas is it forces you to really look at what is important, what should be of value as life go by. Christmas, for all its commercial trappings can provide the opportunity for contemplating perspective and purpose. If it lets you stop and consider these things for even a few hours, it's the best gift you can be given. If you don't celebrate Christmas, take the time for that anyway, it's the best gift you can give yourself and truly the reason for the season.
From my home to yours, I wish you a fantastic holiday, however you celebrate. May joy and peace and love permeate your heart and the hearts of those around you. May you have the blessings of the season through the entire new year. And may your heart be open to sharing those blessings with others.
Happy Holidays!
Sounds like it is going to be a fantastic day, filled with so much love and good times.
Grandparents to be. WOW, can you imagine what christmas next year will be like, now that will be something to look forward to.
Wishing you love and happiness, and i hope that Santa is as good to you, as it seems he will be to the rest of your family.
Kerry xx