Double Feature!

Speaking of Sisters: Christina, Sophia, Martina and Alyssa, my treasures!
I apologise for not updating. With sick children, visiting in laws, things were a little crazy around here. It seems we are getting back to normal.
Now I would like to share some of the good things that have come my way in all the craziness!
First of all a while ago my brother's girlfriend contacted me to write a poem for her and her sister celebrating their relationship. Her sister has been battling cancer for ten years and it looked desperate for a few weeks. Fortunately things have turned around yet again and she is stable! I didn't post the poem here(I don't post them all) but I did add it to a poetry website I'm a part of.
This week the poem was chosen as one of the feature poems on this very comprehensive site. The caliber of the writers on there is world class and I'm very proud to be a part of it. Here is the poem for you to enjoy!
Predetermined in the heavens
protected by the strongest shield
blowing from the seeds of time
life's harvest sends its greatest yield
Dancing in the time before
determined by the gentle fates
we were to belong together
always from the first debates
Memories chain us with the laughter
adventures of the sister kind
surprises bound our hearts together
strengthening the ties that bind.
Chosen each one by the other
to travel on this earth as one
guided by the same night stars
sitting in the same warm sun
We were gifted to each other
eternal sisters, forever friends
knowing love is never ending
the sweet connection never ends
Gentle solace is our goal now
I for you and you for me
I'm your sister, you are mine
as it was always meant to be.
Sister love, the thread that's binding
souls connected for all time
before and after and all the middles
I am yours and you are mine.
Also this week, a notice came in the mail that a poem I had written for Audrey over at her blog a while back has been accepted into a Canadian Poetry Journal. She had asked me to write about the ocean, a topic near and dear to both our hearts! Here is a copy of that poem which has been printed here before.
Originally posted Monday, June 8, 2009
Audrey's Ocean Poem
Finite yet infinite in scope
our mind does not fully comprehend
the power that lies in the waters
that brace against the tides and the wind
Sweet baleen orbs are but specks
in the vast blue-green mass of your depths
velvet hands with the gentlest of touch
can break man without taking a breath
We love you conversely we hate you
your revenge for our plunder is dark
reminder that you are first master
you pluck justice from us as a lark
Helpless we sit on your swell
hapless and silly and vulnerable
The sea laughs with the gulls on her crest
at our feeble attempts at controlling her
Awestruck we sit as your brother
saline in this pair is prevailing
Man is comprised of the ocean
inspiration the ship we are sailing
Calm as the sun drops below you
yet vicious in hate with the gale
your deception lies not in your depths
but the folly of man's bid to prevail
Breeze Talks About Weight Loss
Between now and my publication date anyone who comments on a post is automatically entered into a draw to win a copy of my poetry book, Wind Rhymes!. The book should be released somewhere around the end of October! No limit, every comment is an entry!
Enjoyed both poems very much and your sisters look lovely.
I wonder if you would care to appear on the Sunday Roast - I would be honoured if you agreed.
Please email me on
Very best wishes ~ Eddie x
Eddie..those are my daughters though I'm young enough to be one of them(lol) and I would be delighted to be roasted. The Sunday roast is one of my favourite features and you are one of my favourite could I ever say no! I'll email you!