Turn it Around, Lemons from Lemonade, Look on the Bright Side, Silver Lining..blah blah blah!

Disappointment. Lots of it today. Received a message yesterday from the Poet in Residence at the Stratford Public Library thanking me for the work I was doing for writers in the community and inviting me to a book reading at the library with Steven Leighton today at 2pm. This is very exciting! And I can't go. The little one is home today and I would not have time to be back to pick up the big one. Such is the way of life and I'm sure it will happen again and I'm sure I will have another opportunity to meet the gentleman. Steven Heighton is doing the reading however and that is probably not likely to happen again. So much for hobnobbing with the greats and hoping a little dusting of their brilliance falls on me. Another day.
And my darling husband, who was supposed to be home tonight, will not make it home and likely will not make it home for tomorrow to watch my final Dragon Boat race. Super disappointing for me, and for him, but he's away and there's no way back. My kids will all be gone tonight and I will be home. Alone.
The lemonade. Well, lots of time for writing. Lots of time to sleep for my early rise tomorrow.
But disappointment rules today. Particularly with the latter.
I'm buying wine. Dark and red. I'm going to sit all alone and drink it. In front of this little blue screen and write angry scenes with disappointed and screaming lovers...angst rules the pages today!
There, the solution!...wine flavoured-lemonade-flavoured wine!
And I won't be completely alone...Jackson Browne will be with me of course!
Breeze Talks About Weight Loss