Sunday Sonnet

Home Birth

Awake, aware, amazed; eyes wide with awe
he slipped into the hands of love so smooth
no screaming team to terrorize and maul
just loving arms to nourish hold and sooth

Surrounded by a cloak of nature's heat
no artificial lights to blind and baffle
love flowed over brow wrinkled and sweet
as heated caramel flowing on the apple

The hands that held him first were his mother's
her gentle voice the one that beckoned him to grow
he bypassed all the terror of the others
the epoch of his life gentle and slow

Emerging from the womb his life commenced
with gentleness and peace and common sense

Here is April's sonnet over at A Muse In Me! See how we were in sync this week!

Breeze Talks About Weight Loss


Sylvia said…
A baby being born is the biggest miracle I can recall. You put the experience of birth in magnificent words.
April said…
So beautiful Breeze. When I gave that starting line last week, I had the birth of Jakob in mind. So interesting it sparked something for you. Lovely, beautiful poem about natural birth. I will never ever forget how wide-eyed Jakob was when he was out and in my arms.

I finally got my Sunday Sonnet up, at 11pm! I've been lagging behind this week.