Go Me! Check this out!
Sometimes there are pleasant surprises from the most unexpected sources. Today I opened my email to find exactly that!
Your old buddy Breeze was honoured with an invitation to add her other blog to Wellsphere
I have had my health/wellness blog for a while now, writing about my thoughts on weight, weight loss and the weight loss industry and other related topics. In fact, it's not the first time it has garnered some attention. A few weeks ago the CEO of Spark People commented on that blog after I wrote a review post about the site and how much I loved it, thanking me for my kind words. Now this. I will admit it was a bit thrilling to once again have some unsolicited recognition. I accept both as compliments and I am grateful!
Follow this LINK to read more about this latest development!
PS..I have a nice little badge on my sidebar now..I need this picture smaller, anyone know how to re size it?

Breeze Talks About Weight Loss
Your old buddy Breeze was honoured with an invitation to add her other blog to Wellsphere
I have had my health/wellness blog for a while now, writing about my thoughts on weight, weight loss and the weight loss industry and other related topics. In fact, it's not the first time it has garnered some attention. A few weeks ago the CEO of Spark People commented on that blog after I wrote a review post about the site and how much I loved it, thanking me for my kind words. Now this. I will admit it was a bit thrilling to once again have some unsolicited recognition. I accept both as compliments and I am grateful!
Follow this LINK to read more about this latest development!
PS..I have a nice little badge on my sidebar now..I need this picture smaller, anyone know how to re size it?
Breeze Talks About Weight Loss