Hey Universe, Me Again!
Thank you! I read somewhere, if you want something to happen, simply throw it out to the universe and let it go...so I did. And I have been. In fact now, that's all I do. I don't fret, I don't worry, I just say this is how I would like things to be, I feel happy knowing that this will be and I take that feeling and I toss it off into the universe, there, take it, take my dream and do with it what you will.
I've given up hours of wishing and hoping and dreaming. I've gotten rid of lists of things to meditate on, I have let go of the idea that it can be manifested if I hold on to the vision, instead, I let go of want and I focus on to the feeling, feel it deeply, and then I just let it go. If the thought of it enters my head again, I let it go again, with a smile of confidence that the universe will send me exactly what it is I need!
Is it working? Of course. My family is healthy, work things are coming together, financial opportunities are presenting themselves for both my husband and myself, our family is happy, the girls are happy, and don't seem to be aware that times have been difficult lately for us in some ways, because I've focussed on letting them know that in all the ways that matter, love, family, wellness, things have been super great!
The book of great paradox, the Tao te Ching says "Practice not doing...When action is pure and selfless everything settles into its own perfect place". In the not doing, great things get done." Lately, everything I've tossed into the universe has been a dream for someone elses contentment, another's peace, knowing that if those around me are peaceful, I will be happy for them and happy is happy, no matter whose happiness it is. And things are flowing their way and it's wonderful.
So Hey Universe, thanks for taking the time for my friends and family. I appreciate it and all the gifts you've given me as well! And anything I can do for you, just give me a call!
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