Closets and Pulpits
Regular life shuns the curse
For what you are we give no permits
uneven wants and even worse
rainbows can't illuminate closets
Ridiculed in history's pages
accept the needs, deny the self
accepted by the gentle sages
yet seek physchological help
We'll cure you with these newfound methods
Fix you up and mend your errors
you'll be normal, have a family
just avoid eye contact with mirrors
Baseball cards with manly men
none of them dared deny their hate
covering self with loathing outward
reared against their girlish fate
In volumes of the Brilliant Wilde
the mystery lies in pages bounded
out impossible within
timeless whispers never sounded
Sin again preaches the man
hippocrite of an exclusive club
heaven bound he preaches hate
the paradox the only rub
Murderous rage inflames the simple
hate stirred up by latent lust
can't kill ourselves that would be sinful
let's kill the ones that we mistrust
Leave the mystery in the pages
Holy book yields chronic lies
Peace and love preached by the prophet
contradict the hippocrite's cries
So important is the message
damned to hell the twisted same
why was there not a word once whispered
by the prophet that shares its name

Breeze Talks About Weight Loss
For what you are we give no permits
uneven wants and even worse
rainbows can't illuminate closets
Ridiculed in history's pages
accept the needs, deny the self
accepted by the gentle sages
yet seek physchological help
We'll cure you with these newfound methods
Fix you up and mend your errors
you'll be normal, have a family
just avoid eye contact with mirrors
Baseball cards with manly men
none of them dared deny their hate
covering self with loathing outward
reared against their girlish fate
In volumes of the Brilliant Wilde
the mystery lies in pages bounded
out impossible within
timeless whispers never sounded
Sin again preaches the man
hippocrite of an exclusive club
heaven bound he preaches hate
the paradox the only rub
Murderous rage inflames the simple
hate stirred up by latent lust
can't kill ourselves that would be sinful
let's kill the ones that we mistrust
Leave the mystery in the pages
Holy book yields chronic lies
Peace and love preached by the prophet
contradict the hippocrite's cries
So important is the message
damned to hell the twisted same
why was there not a word once whispered
by the prophet that shares its name
Breeze Talks About Weight Loss