Row Row Row Your Boat!

Sell your cleverness and purchase bewilderment. I've heard this advice many times and the easiest way to accomplish this is to try something new, to step outside of your comfort level, to place yourself in a situation where you might horribly fail or you might succeed brilliantly but because of your inexperience you have no choice but to be humble and bewildered. The lessons learned in such an endeavor are a great reminder that there is an infinite universe of knowledge to be absorbed and that no matter what we've learned, no matter what our experience, there is always more. And in tossing ourselves into a new project, hobby or even a new job or career we are allowing ourselves to experience the growth we are sent her to experience.
I'm excited! Tonight I'm trying something new. It may be horrible, it may be wonderful but whatever it is I'm so excited. I'm meeting a bunch of people I've never met before to join a rowing team!
I have, for a long time, loved rowing. Growing up by the ocean, rowing a boat is just something the kids do and we grew up in a small rowboat called a punt. In fact a couple of years ago in my island home town, Change Islands and the neighbouring island, Fogo Island, the punt made a comeback in a big way with a regatta, a race of the traditional punt. The two-person teams row from one island to the other vying for the first place prize. I'm proud to say a Change Islands' team won this year!
I like going to the gym, I like walking but for a long time I've wanted to try a sport, a team sport. Badminton bores me, I don't enjoy volley ball, I don't have the skills for hockey. Rowing has always appealed to me but being in a very landlocked area of Ontario, along with being the mother of 4 children, two of them very young, I thought maybe this wouldn't ever happen.
Then I heard about dragon boating. And I checked out the website and found that team rowing is alive and well in Stratford and the surrounding area.
So I've been invited to try it tonight! This team is not crazy competitive and do it for the love of it as much as the winning and that suits me perfectly.
Along with the sport comes training with weights, training for races, camaraderie and team work. I've got a lot to learn and I so look forward to it.
So tonight I get to row a boat for the first time in years! I'm very excited and a bit nervous. It looks a bit complicated but I'll do my best to understand and follow the instructions given. We shall see how it goes.
Trying something new is always exciting. Even if this turns out to not be something I particularly enjoy at least I will have always had the experience of giving it a shot! I'm very excited! I'll update you on how things go!
Breeze Talks About Weight Loss
Lola xx
Come by and enter my found poetry contest if you wanna try something else new. :)