Lakeside Visit

Fields of aqua tinted waves
lap at shores of muted tan
sky kissed horizons smile gently
on the warmth of sparkling sand

Girl of blond plays darting dare me
with a tempting surf of bubbled edges
laughing with the older girl
with swirling, tangled brunette tresses

Sun gazed skin wet with droplets
footprints marr the smooth clay beach
sail boats drift across the distance
perfect dancers beyond our reach

Soaring seagulls voices muted
by the shouting lakeside's roar
swoop and take their place on buoys
snow white wings prepared to soar

Frosting clouds in a pretty pile
decorating blueberry skies
Divinity in every corner
inspires grateful quiet sighs

Breeze Talks About Weight Loss


April said…
Looks and sounds like you had a beautiful day! Very nice...
Anonymous said…
wonderful imagery and some nice metaphors and visuals.
Sylvia said…
Oh, what a delicious poetry. I almost hear the sound of the waves! How I miss a day in the beach...
Debbie said…
words were almost as pretty as the picture!! how perfect!
Unknown said…'ve the heart of a lover...the soul of an ancient...the eyes of an age...the words of a poet...and the faith of a martyr.