Climb those Steps!

I heard a quote today that exemplifies what I try to say in much of my writing. Franz Kafka, a German author from the last century said "If you keep climbing, the steps will appear".
What a wonderful observation! Often we wonder if there is any point to what we are doing. If there is any reason to keep moving towards the object of our passion, for me it's writing, for others a life in music or art or medicine or some other calling we feel in our soul that we must follow.
But as we go along we encounter obstacles that slow us down, hinder us, keep us from moving upward towards out highest calling. Some of these obstacles are physical such as injury or illness and some are caused by a lifetime of hearing the messages that say we can't or shouldn't do what our inner voice, our sacred self, tells us we were sent here to do.
The thing that sets apart those who reach the heights of their purpose from those who fail to do so is often a persistence, a stubborn refusal to let things get in the way. The ones who see, no those who know their way, know that if they keep climbing they will get to the top and then reaching one top see more steps will appear before them so that they can go over each and every obstacle in their path. For there is no end to the path, no end to the steps if we are on the right path.
Some learn this at an early age and start out being steadfast, having a knowing in their minds of what their purpose is. Others learn it along the way after having stopped and started many times until finally they climb over, go around or break through the wall before them.
But for all there is one certainty, if you want to reach that which your heart insists you have to do, you do have to be persistent and go forward regardless of what is in your way. And as you continue to climb the steps will appear before you as if by magic, climb them, and more will appear. Trust that all will be provided that you need if you are on the right path.
The secret is to not be swayed once you know your way. Trust that your path is the right one and carry on. There are a lot of things we would like to do, knowing what you are meant to do is to be on purpose and to experience true joy! Keep climbing, it's not about reaching the top, it's about enjoying each step along the way!
I have enjoyed your words above. I have read Kafka who writes of inscrutable scenarios for his protagonists driven by their "grand obsessions" in a senseless maze when the going is not easy and then the "obsession" with which they are fraught becomes all the grander and that is to me persistence. How can we know grandeur when all is easy and without confronting suffering and mazes, with out self mortification of any kind?
One step at a time :0)
first of all happy birthday in advance. Trust me it was nice to find a mention of my blog in your post......
Take care
and enjoy your birthday......Do post pictures like I do..haha