Mary Magdalene Carries Jesus

Thanks for all the comments and guesses!


Anonymous said…
Hmmm...that's a tough one. I think that I would call it either:
SimplyBillie said…
Admiration? It's very good!
You are all on the right track but I'm a little more, um, bold, shall we say.

A few more guesses and I'll tell
Anonymous said…
"The Love of a Father"
I call it "Mary Magdalene carries Jesus".

I thought everyone would look at it and see a "worship" situation but from my experience it's the woman who carries the man and not the other way around. She's about to comfort him, he's afraid, she's there for him. She'll always be there for him. She has strength in her face, he has fear.

At least that's what I tried to show, maybe I didn't do a good job. lol.
Unknown said…
its beautiufl breeze- you have a wonderful talent xx
The divinhe feminine,ah yes. It's never been given the attention it deserves.