A Leap of Faith

Have you ever had to make a leap of faith? Have you chosen to place your trust in someone with little to no idea if it was the right thing to do but somehow, because the person has shown great trust in you, when they ask for that trust back you decide to just go for it.

I've recently been asked to do something similar and I've decided to just go for it. As my last post revealed, I am an impulsive Aries and this ram is feeling a bit, well rammy!

I won't go into any details but the great thing about this whole deal is that it won't interrupt my blogging fun, I'll still try to post every day and read the blogs of all my new friends. It's a win win situation for everybody.

I've still got a sickly little girl, apparently this stomach virus takes about a week to run its course so I'm going to take another leap of faith and trust that all of you will wait around for me to have more time to post longer and more thought-provoking, typical BreezeDaze posts. I've got a few too many irons in the fire today but please come back tomorrow and hopefully I'll have something interesting for you to read.

And I'd also be interested in hearing your stories of when you took a leap of faith and it paid off! I think it very inspiring to have our trust in human nature renewed occasionally in that way.



Anonymous said…
I love this! With your permission...I am going to write about my leap of faith today! Is that cool with you?
Anonymous said…
Ooops...selfish me! What I meant to say first was...GOOD LUCK with your leap of faith!
nollyposh said…
Good luck Breeze... i take 'leaps of faith' everyday with my health... To 'Be well' you sometimes have to take these leaps that you innately believe that you are, and just get on with your life x
Daria said…
Good luck Breeze with your leap of faith.

I'm embarrassed to say I don't have any stories about taking a leap of faith.

Yes, I think I have control issues ....
Deepanjan Ghosh said…
The ram is feeling rammy...he he ha ha ho ho!!!

Go for it Breeze, and the very best of luck to you.

I've never really taken a leap, never had to, good things just keep coming my way, and I remain eternally grateful!!!
Deepanjan Ghosh said…
The pic reminds me of something I saw on TV...is there an aboriginal tribe in Australia that has a bunjee jump type custom?
Deepanjan Ghosh said…
...and I dig the "namaste"...
Dolphin it sounds like you live the leap of faith daily therefore it's more like a walk of faith to you because it's so natural!

ah...namaste...wonderful word isn't it?