The Creative Spirit

There is a part of all of us that yearns to create. To make something that is born of our imagination and bring it to life. All of us do it. Some of us are artists and writers and musicians, some of us are born to build and engineer and others knit and craft and sew. But almost everyone creates. I sat and tried for a while to think of someone of my acquaintance who didn't create, and I almost had someone but then I remembered she taught dance and in that position she actually choreographs routines for her students who compete, a very creative thing to do.
I've been thinking a lot about this lately because I've been in a very creative frame of mind and I've got tons of notes of new ideas, three books that I'm working, massive amounts of energy for doing something every day and I have started to realise that it's progressive. The more I do, the more I want to do, the more I create the more I am creative and the more I expose myself to those things that come from the creativity of others the more I want to create myself and the more ideas come to me. I see a painting I write a poem. I see a photograph I write a chapter in my novel, I hear a song and I cry and write a sad short story. I feel that I am in the flow of creativity and I'm amazed that I never saw things this way before.
A couple of posts back I posted a poem that was inspired by another blogger. He wrote of Idi Amin, a terrible dictator who did a lot of horrible things to other humans he shared the earth with. Even he, in his terrible existence on this earth, created something. He created the desire within many people to seek understanding of what had happened and to become determined that it never happen again.
In reading the post from Double-Dolphin's blog he said he'd had this one line running through his mind and I was inspired to create something from that one line, something to counterbalance the evil destructive nature of what that dictator had done. I'd been inspired to create a few verses of hope out of the darkness that was that time in history.
The creative spirit is within all of us and I believe to tap into that is to tap into that which is your ultimate calling. Today I received some copies of a little book I published. It's beautiful. It was a short story I blogged about a while back that was inspired by a dream my father had over 25 years ago about a story had dreamt about. I wrote the story, and I tell the story of how it came to be. I published through my Heritage Makers business as a keepsake for my family and included some of my poetry.
I look at that little 23 page, 7 by 5 book that did not even exist in my mind a short two months ago. Now it's real and concrete and sitting on my desk. There is great satisfaction out of making something out of nothing except a thought in your mind and inspiration in your heart.
There is nothing that happens without there first being a thought. Think good thoughts and create good things. The satisfaction is unparallelled and the result is invaluable to humankind.
You are a wonderful friend! I'm still on a major high from getting these books! They make me so happy. I'm really low-maintenance..though my husband might disagree!
Today I played guitar, piano, wrote and looked up a simple pattern to sew tomorrow. Not long ago I would have wished very strongly to do these things but would have "not had the time." I add them to my to-do list right along with folding the laundry and cleaning the bathroom. They are a priority everday for me.
I saw how you encouraged Audrey the other day, so I believe that us getting to know each other with definitely be a win win.
You have such beautiful thoughts on creativity and that is inborn in us and comes forth in myriads of ways. Thank you for your thoughts.
I plan on writing about the work of St. Francis someday.