Planting Seeds; A Marketing Workshop for Authors

Hey everybody!

Life gets away from you I tell ya! Made a commitment to post weekly on this blog months ago. It's obvious that I have commitment issues. I could go into a multitude of details about what I've been up to but the short of it (because you don't want the long of it) is that I'm writing up a storm and throwing my entire focus into my writing and the literary world.  I've step by step transitioned out of nearly all major time-consuming non-writing related obligations and have moved into literary pursuits with in a huge way. Literary Events NL has become Literary Events NL Inc., incorporating as a not for profit a short while ago, and we're moving well in our planning of the fall tour starting in September. In addition to that, I've taken on a board role with the Writers Alliance of NL, which so far is proving to be very interesting. In fact, I'll be facilitating a workshop, online, (which means anybody anywhere in the world can take it) in June. I'm really looking forward to it. We've a few people signed up and excited to learn more about marketing their work, and I'm excited to do more marketing of my own. I've got several exciting projects that I'm moving forward with in a big way very soon...stay tuned! If you're an author, interested in marketing, check out our workshop. I'd love to have you there!  Here is a link for more information on signing up! Planting Seeds; Marketing for Authors

See you soon!

